Tony Poots, Director, Global Integration
Tony Poots, Director, Global Integration Tony Poots studied language and culture at Universities in three countries. His business career included providing decision support services to European...
View ArticleGuest post: The Restaurant at the End of the Virtual Universe
Guest post by Jyri Kuokka, Technical Communications Assistant, KONE Corp./KONE Training and Documentation Jyri Kuokka is the current Technical Communications Assistant at KONE Training and...
View ArticleThank you for joining us on Twitter
Today is a tiny bit of a landmark day – we hit 600 followers on Twitter. @thethinkteam1 Just seen – you’re our 600th follower! Thank you! Can I send you a stress ball – or two!? (Claire) — Global...
View ArticleGlobal working: travelling light?
We asked our team, who constantly work around the world, for their travel tips. A single blog post rapidly became a series, and we share their business travel tips over the coming weeks. But something...
View ArticleSix tips for better flights
Today we continue our business travel series, and this time, you’re on a plane. You’ve made it to and through the boarding gate. How do you make the next few hours more comfortable? When we asked our...
View ArticleTony’s top ten for more relaxed travel
We asked our team for hints and tips for business travel, a necessity at some point for almost anyone who’s working in a global context. Consultant Tony Poots came up with a great list of very personal...
View ArticleMatrix from Amsterdam
Yesterday Tony Poots and I attended an event in Amsterdam run by Strategic Insights. Their business model is to match up suppliers with companies that are interested in their services. It was the...
View ArticleEuropean team meeting
As well as training people in ways to work in and lead virtual teams, at Global Integration our senior consultants work as a virtual team themselves. One of the things we at Global Integration...
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